× Looking to start a career exploration journey? Visit NCcareers.org. It has been reimagined into a system to take users on a comprehensive career exploration journey. Learn More

Welcome to Tools.NCcareers.org

Here you can find a wealth of labor market information related to careers and education including detailed information on occupational ratings, job duties, education/ training, wages, employment outlook, and more. For a more integrated and comprehensive career development system using the data and tools from this site, visit NCcareers.org.

Career Tools

  • North Carolina Career Clusters Guide

    Career Clusters Guide

    Make good occupational decisions by connecting education and career goals through career clusters, career pathways, and other information. Link to other sources of career and educational information.

  • Reality Check

    Reality Check

    Make budget choices and get a summary of state or county costs in 12 major expense categories. Link to occupations that provide salaries that match life choices.

  • Career Cluster Survey

    Career Cluster Survey

    Uncover which Career Clusters match your combination of work, skill, and academic interests.

  • Star Jobs

    Star Jobs

    Discover details about NC occupations based on up-to-date labor market information. Link to other sources of career and educational information.

  • NC Tower

    NC Tower

    Discover educational, employment, and wage data for North Carolina's community college and public university students.

  • NCBold


    Find licenses required for working in North Carolina businesses and careers. Includes licensing organization web links and contact information.

  • Staffing Patterns

    Staffing Patterns

    Identify which industries employ the most people in a specific occupation, and locate occupations most likely to be needed in a particular industry.

  • Employment Projections

    Employment Projections

    Explore long-term estimates of projected trends in occupational and industry employment.



North Carolina Career Clusters Guide Reality Check Career Cluster Survey Star Jobs NC Tower NCBold Employment Projections
Self-Assessment Yes Yes Yes
Career Clusters Yes Yes Yes
Education/Training Yes Yes Yes
Industry Projections Yes
Related Occupations Yes Yes
Job-Related Industries Yes
Licensure Information Yes Yes
Occupation Description Yes Yes
Occupational Interests Yes Yes Yes
Occupational Projections Yes Yes Yes
Wages Yes Yes Yes Yes
Work-Based Learning Yes
Job Search Links Yes Yes