Interest Profiler

The Interest Profiler* is a self-assessment tool designed to help you identify what your interests are and translate these interests into occupations that best fit you. The following two pages include a list of 60 questions about work activities that some people perform in their jobs. By answering questions that represent important Interest Areas, the results from the Interest Profiler will help you discover your strong work-related interests and match them to careers.

Instructions for taking the Interest Profiler

  • Read the work activities from top to bottom and answer in the correct order.
  • Read each question carefully and decide how you would feel about doing each type of work. Try not to think about whether you have enough education or training to do the work, or how much money you would make doing the work. Just think about whether you would like or dislike performing the work activity.
  • Mark the "Like", "Dislike", or "Unsure" box based on how much you would enjoy that activity.

1. Build kitchen cabinets Like Unsure Dislike
2. Lay brick or tile Like Unsure Dislike
3. Develop a new medicine Like Unsure Dislike
4. Study ways to reduce water pollution Like Unsure Dislike
5. Write books or plays Like Unsure Dislike
6. Play a musical instrument Like Unsure Dislike
7. Teach an individual an exercise routine Like Unsure Dislike
8. Help people with personal or emotional problems Like Unsure Dislike
9. Buy and sell stocks and bonds Like Unsure Dislike
10. Manage a retail store Like Unsure Dislike
11. Develop a spreadsheet using computer software Like Unsure Dislike
12. Proofread records or forms Like Unsure Dislike
13. Repair household appliances Like Unsure Dislike
14. Raise fish in a fish hatchery Like Unsure Dislike
15. Conduct chemical experiments Like Unsure Dislike
16. Study the movement of planets Like Unsure Dislike
17. Compose or arrange music Like Unsure Dislike
18. Draw pictures Like Unsure Dislike
19. Give career guidance to people Like Unsure Dislike
20. Perform rehabilitation therapy Like Unsure Dislike
21. Operate a beauty salon or barber shop Like Unsure Dislike
22. Manage a department within a large company Like Unsure Dislike
23. Load computer software into a large computer network Like Unsure Dislike
24. Operate a calculator Like Unsure Dislike
25. Assemble electronic parts Like Unsure Dislike
26. Drive a truck to deliver packages to offices and homes Like Unsure Dislike
27. Examine blood samples using a microscope Like Unsure Dislike
28. Investigate the cause of a fire Like Unsure Dislike
29. Create special effects for movies Like Unsure Dislike
30. Paint sets for plays Like Unsure Dislike
31. Do volunteer work at a non-profit organization Like Unsure Dislike
32. Teach children how to play sports Like Unsure Dislike
33. Start your own business Like Unsure Dislike
34. Negotiate business contracts Like Unsure Dislike
35. Keep shipping and receiving records Like Unsure Dislike
36. Calculate the wages of employees Like Unsure Dislike
37. Test the quality of parts before shipment Like Unsure Dislike
38. Repair and install locks Like Unsure Dislike
39. Develop a way to better predict the weather Like Unsure Dislike
40. Work in a biology lab Like Unsure Dislike
41. Write scripts for movies or television shows Like Unsure Dislike
42. Perform jazz or tap dance Like Unsure Dislike
43. Teach sign language to people with hearing disabilities Like Unsure Dislike
44. Help conduct a group therapy session Like Unsure Dislike
45. Represent a client in a lawsuit Like Unsure Dislike
46. Market a new line of clothing Like Unsure Dislike
47. Inventory supplies using a hand-held computer Like Unsure Dislike
48. Record rent payments Like Unsure Dislike
49. Set up and operate machines to make products Like Unsure Dislike
50. Put out forest fires Like Unsure Dislike
51. Invent a replacement for sugar Like Unsure Dislike
52. Do laboratory tests to identify diseases Like Unsure Dislike
53. Sing in a band Like Unsure Dislike
54. Edit movies Like Unsure Dislike
55. Take care of children at a day-care center Like Unsure Dislike
56. Teach a high-school class Like Unsure Dislike
57. Sell merchandise at a department store Like Unsure Dislike
58. Manage a clothing store Like Unsure Dislike
59. Keep inventory records Like Unsure Dislike
60. Stamp, sort, and distribute mail for an organization Like Unsure Dislike

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